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User Information

Use and Instructional Material Overview of Trampoline Use The following is taken from the Jumpking® Users Manual.

The first periods of trampoline use should focus on learning fundamental body positions and practicing the eight basic bounces that are described in this manual. During this learning period, jumpers should practice these basic techniques and perfect them. Braking, or checking the bounce should be taught first and stressed as a safety measure. Jumpers should brake their jump whenever they start to lose balance or control. This is done by simply flexing the knees sharply upon landing and absorbing the upward thrust of the mat (bed). This enables the jumper to stop suddenly and avoid losing control. In trampoline use, the take-off point and landing point of a good, controlled jump is on the same spot. An exercise is considered learned only when a jumper is able to perform it consistently. Jumpers should never proceed to any advanced step until they can perform all previous techniques consistently. Allow each jumper a brief turn on the trampoline. Extended bouncing exposes an over tired user to an increased risk of injury. Longer turns tend to lessen the interest of others waiting to jump. .

Wearing apparel should consist of T-shirt, shorts and regulation gymnastic shoes, heavy socks, or jumpers may be barefoot.


Beginning jumpers may wish to wear loose fitting protective clothing such as a long sleeve shirt and pants until correct landings are mastered. This will reduce the chance of mat (bed) burns from improper landings on elbows and knees. No hard sole shoes should be worn as they cause excessive wear on the trampoline mat (bed).


Mounting and dismounting properly should be a strict rule from the very beginning. Users climb onto the trampoline by placing their hands on the frame and stepping or rolling up onto the frame, across the springs, and onto the mat (bed). Do not step directly on the frame pad or grasp the frame pad when mounting or dismounting the trampoline. Users should always place their hands on the frame while mounting or dismounting. To dismount, jumpers should walk to the side of the mat (bed), bend over and place one hand on the frame, then step from the mat to the ground. If you have installed the optional ladder, then its rungs can be used to mount or dismount. Always face the ladder and always place your hands on the frame. Make sure your foot has secure contact with the ladder rung when using it.


Reckless bouncing should not be permitted. All skills should be learned at moderate heights. Control rather than height, should be emphasized. Jumpers should be forbidden to practice alone and unsupervised.

Instruction Program - Model Lessons

The following lessons are suggested as examples of

instructional procedure. They should follow a complete

discussion and demonstration of body mechanics

between the supervisor and the student(s).


1. Mounting and dismounting.

Demonstration and practice of proper techniques.

2. Fundamental bouncing.

Demonstration and practice.

3. Braking (checking bounce).

Demonstration and practice, braking on command.

4. Hands and knees.

Demonstration and practice, stressing four-point

landing and alignment.


1. Review and practice of techniques.

2. Knee bounce.

Half twist to right, to left, to feet, to knees.

3. Seat-drop.

Repeat in swing.

Half twist to feet.

Seat-drop, knees, hands and knees; repeat.


1. Review and practice of skills previously learned.

2. Front-drop.

To save time and avoid mat burns, all members of

the class should be requested to assume the front-

drop position on the floor while the instructor

checks for faults. Suggested progression: From

hands and knees bounce, the body is extended for

the landing in front drop position, and the rebound

is made to feet.

3. Practice routine; hands and knees, front-drop, feet,

seat-drop, half twist to feet.


1. Review and practice of learned skills.

2. Back-drop.

Demonstration, accenting the forward thrust of the

hips by arching body as one leg is brought forward

from standing (not bouncing) position, and the

drop to the back is made with chin held forward to

chest, eyes forward on trampoline frame. Spotting

this skill is most important. Demonstration of

back-drop with low bounce and practice on both techniques.


1. Review of all skills learned, encouraging original

routines based upon them.

2. Half turntable.

Start from front drop position and push left or right

with hands.

Turn head and shoulders in same direction. Keep

back parallel to mat and head up. After completing

1/2 turn land in front drop position.


1. Swivel-hips.

Suggested progression:

Seat-drop, feet, half twist; repeat.

Seat-drop, half twist to feet; repeat.

Seat drop, half twist to seat drop.

2. Half turntable.


The student should now be encouraged to design and

organize routines with emphasis on good form. The

instructor may judge or grade the students and arrange

groupings for further instruction accordingly.

To stimulate interest in competition, the game of “Trampoline

Horse” may be introduced. It is played in the

following manner: The students number off and No. 1

performs a stunt. No. 2 mounts the trampoline and

performs the same stunt and adds another one. No. 3

mounts and does stunts 1 and 2 and adds another one

himself. Thus, it becomes a continually lengthening

series of stunts in routine. The first person who misses

a stunt in the series assumes the letter “H,” and starts

the series over again with the first stunt. If a person

misses again, he accumulates “O” and the first one to

accumulate H-O-R-S-E is eliminated from the game.

The last remaining contestant is the winner.

Lesson planning from this point should be facilitated by

contacting a certified trampoline instructor.



1. Start from standing position with head erect and eyes on mat.

2. Swing arms forward and up in a circular motion.

3. Bring feet together and point toes downward while in the air.

4. Keep feet about 15 inches apart when landing on mat.


1. Start from erect position keeping eyes on mat.

2. Land on mat on hands and knees.

3. Push with hands and come back up to erect


KNEE DROP 1. Start from low bounce. 2. Land on knees keeping back straight and body erect. 3. Come back up to erect position.

SEAT DROP 1. Land in a flat sitting position. 2. Place hands on mat beside hips. 3. Push with hands when returning to erect position.

FRONT DROP 1. Start from low bounce and land on mat in prone position. 2. Keep head up and arms extended forward on mat. 3. Push with arms to return to standing position

BACK DROP 1. Start with low bounce and land on back. 2. Keep chin forward on chest during landing. 3. Kick forward and up with legs when returning to erect position.

HALF TURNTABLE 1. Start from front drop position and push left or right with hands. 2. Keep head and shoulders in same direction. 3. Keep back parallel to mat and head up. 4. After completing 1/2 turn, land in front drop position.

SWIVEL HIPS 1. Start with seat drop. 2. Turn head and throw arms up and to left or right. 3. Hips turn in same direction completing twist. 4. Land in seat drop position.